National waste management plan. Substantiation Note – the GD no. 941/20.12.2017

National waste management policy must be in line with the objectives of European waste prevention policy and aim at reducing resource consumption and the practical application of waste hierarchy. Romania is facing a poor waste management, waste that is mainly collected in a mixture and stored to the detriment of recycling / capitalization, thus generating a significant impact on environmental factors.

The National Waste Management Strategy (SNGD) proposes the framework of measures to ensure the transition from the current development model, based on production and consumption, to a model based on the prevention of waste generation and the use of raw materials in the capitalization industry. Thus, the preservation of national natural resources is ensured and the premises for reconciling economic and environmental imperatives are created. Based on this, the National Waste Management Plan (PNGD) was developed, which includes the National Waste Generation Prevention Program (PNPGD). The objectives of PNGD are in line with those of SNGD.

PNGD includes actions, measures, deadlines and responsibilities that, once implemented and complied with, shall ensure the fulfillment of Romania’s goals as a member of the European Union in the field of waste management.

More information can be found here and here.


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